Where is the best place for a batsman to focus their attention?
In chapter 2 of Mike Brearly’s book; ‘On Form - Zen and the Art of Batting’, he considers a comment made by George Gunn.
“The trouble with most batsmen is that they pay too much attention to the bowling, instead of going with the tide”
Jonathan Trott was a master of using focus as a tool to score runs
The best place for a batsman to focus their attention depends on the individual. As far as options go, these are the places of focus that I imagine different batsmen use:
Focussing on ways to avoid getting out
Ways to assertively score runs
On their physical environment and watching the ball with a clear mind
Looking at the gaps in the field between balls, and then on one of the above
Looking at the scoreboard and processing the numbers for the situation
Thinking about what the bowler is trying to do, and then planning options based on that
If one of these areas of focus is not working for a batsman at a particular point in their career, I would suggest trying a different area of focus and see if that improves their form.
My suggestion in general for optimal performance in terms of focus is to take the time in-between balls to concentrate on either point 1, 2, 4, 5, 6. Then, when the bowler starts their run up, to focus on point 3. Watch the ball in the bowlers hand (or the bowler themselves), watch the length, line, and movement of the ball as it is bowled, and then play an appropriate shot as it naturally happens.
Although that may be helpful in general, perhaps getting to know the individual batsman and devising an appropriate combination of focus points for them would be a useful course of action.